Rising Kindergarteners and New Families
Do you have a rising Kindergartener? Are you new to Arlington Public Schools and looking to register your child? You can register online at apsva.us/register, visit the APS Welcome Center, or contact the ASFS office at 703.228.7670 with questions.
New Arlington Science Focus School Families
Welcome to ASFS! We are thrilled your family is joining our ASFS community, and look forward to a great year together! Here is an ASFS PTA checklist to help you get started, and feel free to contact Heather McDougle, ASFS PTA President, with any questions or ways we can help to support you.
1) Join the ASFS PTA: Visit asfspta.com/join to join the ASFS PTA! ASFS PTA annual dues are $10 per individual member or $20 per family. PTA Membership Sponsorships are also available so that all ASFS community members may join the PTA.You may also download and return the ASFS PTA Membership Form to the ASFS front office with your cash or check payment (payable to ASFS PTA) in a labeled envelope.
2) Opt Into the ASFS PTA Directory: The ASFS PTA Directory allows parents to communicate with other ASFS parents and staff. Students are listed in the secure directory and you can search by name, grade, or teacher. Visit asfspta.com/directory for more information, including how to opt in through APS ParentVUE.
3) Submit your Volunteer Interests: Your support is invaluable to ensure the success of our ASFS PTA programs and events. There are many ways to volunteer outside of regular school hours, and it's a great way to be engaged with your students and involved with our school. Visit asfspta.com/volunteer to submit your interests. Thank you!
4) Shop for ASFS: Every time you (or your friends and family) buy something from the grocery store you could be earning money for ASFS! Link your grocery rewards accounts today for an easy, free way to help earn money for ASFS. Friends and family are also welcome to shop for ASFS! Visit asfspta.com/shopforasfs for the many ways you can support our school through your everyday shopping.
5) Opt Into the PTA's Electric News: This bi-weekly PTA e-newsletter is full of lots of news, information and important dates. You must sign up to receive this newsletter the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month. Be sure to sign up by clicking here. You won't want to miss it!
6) Follow the ASFS PTA on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to stay engaged and keep up with the latest ASFS PTA news!
ASFS PTA Welcome Committee
If you have grade level specific questions, or would like to connect with other parents and meet new friends for your ASFS student(s), please feel free to reach out to the ASFS PTA Welcome Commitee lead, Louis Belsito, to be connected with the welcome leads for your student's grade level.
ASFS Military and State Department Families
If you are a military or State Department family, and have any questions as you get started at ASFS or would like to be connected witih other ASFS families, please feel free to contact our ASFS Military Family Coordinator, Pam Boyarski and Dan Boyarski. We look forward to welcoming you to our community!